- The nail of the thumb. 拇指的指甲
- Please help me loose the nail, It is rusty and won't come out of the wall. 请帮我把这个钉子弄松,它生锈了,拔不出来。
- The Jones family is under the thumb of the mother. 琼斯一家人都得听从母亲的。
- The ball of the thumb,ie the part near the palm. 大拇指下面近掌心的球形部分。
- He drove in the nail with one stroke of the hammer. 他铁锤一敲就把钉子钉进去。
- The base of the thumb is where it joins the hand. 拇指的起点是在与手掌接合处。
- How is ringworm of the nails of chaff spore bacterium treated excuse me? 想问问米糠孢子菌灰趾甲如何医治?
- He pulled the nail out of the plank. 他把钉子从木板上拔下来。
- The nails of his hands were torn. 他手上的指甲已经磨破。
- Using a darker pink hue, create shading on one side of the nail. 用更深色的粉红色在甲片一边制造出阴影效果.
- What tweak treats ringworm of the nails? 有什么好办法治疗灰指甲?
- How is ringworm of the nails treated excuse me? 请问灰指甲怎么治疗?
- Strike the nail of self-appearing light at the juncture of mind and objects. 将俱生光明之钉击于能观与所观之际。
- Got ringworm of the nails, how to treat? ? ? 得了灰指甲,怎么治疗???
- How is ringworm of the nails treated? 灰指甲怎么治疗?
- How is ringworm of the nails treated best. 灰指甲怎么治疗最好。
- He drove the nail in for fear it would hurt anyone. 由于担心这个钉子伤人,他把它钉了进去。
- Strike the nail of totally liberated five-doors [sense faculties] at the juncture of excitement and torpor. 将完全解脱之五门[根]之钉击于欣与厌之际。
- If you can't pull the nails out by their heads, punch them out from the other side of the board. 如果你不能从钉子头处拔出钉子的话,就从板子的另一面把钉子打出来。
- Petaloid toenails,a human trait where the nail of little toe appears petaloidly exists in many populations of the Han Nationality in North China. 瓣状甲是存在于我国北方许多汉族人群中的一种性状,其表现为小趾趾甲分瓣。